Cinder gluster share storageby Snail

This is a basic storage sharing investigation in openstack. The cinder provides block storage to instances and the instances will use this virtual disk as glusterfs backend. Then the instances defined as gluster server will provide shared volumes to other clients.


The diagram is below.

The OS in instance is based on “Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)”.
The openstack version is icehouse. The glusterfs version is 3.5.2.


Cinder is a Block Storage service for OpenStack. It’s designed to allow the use of either a reference implementation (LVM) to present storage resources to end users that can be consumed by the OpenStack Compute Project (Nova).
It separates data storage from compute. The data will able to remain and use after an instance crashed.

Cinder installation

Cinder is consist of one “service controller” which is tight to openstack controller and one “service node” which provide disk storage. They can be install in one machine if needed.
The installation process should refer to openstack docs. Here’s a link to icehouse version:

Create cinder block volume

Create two cinder volumes using cinder create.

# cinder create --display-name cinVol1 1
|       Property      |                Value                 |
|     attachments     |                  []                  |
|  availability_zone  |                 nova                 |
|       bootable      |                false                 |
|      created_at     |      2014-12-17T09:35:44.017867      |
| display_description |                 None                 |
|     display_name    |               cinVol1                |
|      encrypted      |                False                 |
|          id         | ec4eea2a-f0d9-4614-bc00-2b1d7fd134f4 |
|       metadata      |                  {}                  |
|         size        |                  1                   |
|     snapshot_id     |                 None                 |
|     source_volid    |                 None                 |
|        status       |               creating               |
|     volume_type     |                 None                 |
# cinder create --display-name cinVol2 1

Then two volumes whose size are both 1G are created. Their names are cinVol1 and cinVol2.

Attach the volume to instance

Assume the two gluster server instances are named as gluServer1 and gluServer2, the cinVol1 will be attached to gluServer1 at /dev/vdb while cinVol2 to gluServer2 at /dev/vdb.

# nova volume-attach gluServer1 ec4eea2a-f0d9-4614-bc00-2b1d7fd134f4 /dev/vdb
| Property | Value                                |
| device   | /dev/vdb                             |
| id       | ec4eea2a-f0d9-4614-bc00-2b1d7fd134f4 |
| serverId | e01c6fe5-a77f-4845-85bc-947be466f81b |
| volumeId | ec4eea2a-f0d9-4614-bc00-2b1d7fd134f4 |
# nova volume-attach gluServer2 2d8f8053-121c-4f07-ab2f-bffa38bab30e /dev/vdb

The ec4eea2a-f0d9-4614-bc00-2b1d7fd134f4 is the VolumeId of cinVol1 and 2d8f8053-121c-4f07-ab2f-bffa38bab30e is cinVol2’s.

Partition and format virtual disk

The volume create from cinder is attached at the /dev/vdb as virtual disk, but has no partition table. Use tool parted to build one.

# parted -s /dev/vdb mklabel msdos
# parted -s /dev/vdb mkpart primary 0% 100%
# parted -s /dev/vdb print
Model: Virtio Block Device (virtblk)
Disk /dev/vdb: 1074MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system  Flags
1      1049kB  1074MB  1073MB  primary
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1

Then the partition is at /dev/vdb1 and the file system is ext4.

Mount disk

To use this disk, it must to be mounted first. Assume glusterfs will use /vdisk as its storage path later.

# mkdir /vdisk
# mount -t ext4 /dev/vdb1 /vdisk/
# df -h | grep vdb1
/dev/vdb1           1007M   18M  939M   2% /vdisk

If want the system to auto mount it at starting up, add an entry of /dev/vdb1 /vdisk ext4 defaults 0 0 to /etc/fstab.

Installation and configuration in glusterfs

Concepts in glusterfs


  1. brick
    The brick is the storage filesystem that has been assigned to a volume.
  2. client
    The machine which mounts the volume (this may also be a server).
  3. server
    The machine (virtual or bare metal) which hosts the actual filesystem in which data will be stored.
  4. subvolume
    a brick after being processed by at least one translator.
  5. volume
    The final share after it passes through all the translators.


A translator connects to one or more subvolumes, does something with them, and offers a subvolume connection.


Distribute takes a list of subvolumes and distributes files across them, effectively making one single larger storage volume from a series of smaller ones.


Replicate is used for providing redundancy to both storage and generally to availability.


Stripes data across bricks in the volume. For best results, you should use striped volumes only in high concurrency environments accessing very large files.

Installation of glusterfs

It is recommend to use yum install. Add below lines into a yum repository file.

name=RHEL 6.5 gluster
proxy=   #Add if needed

Then execute yum make cache to update yum repository.

glusterfs server

To install a glusterfs server, execute yum install glusterfs{-server,-fuse} -y and wait the installation to complete.
Examine the installation using command gluster --version. The output should be like:
glusterfs 3.5.2 built on Jul 31 2014 18:47:52
Repository revision: git://
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Gluster Inc.

glusterfs client

To install a glusterfs client, execute yum install glusterfs{,-fuse} -y and wait the installation to complete.
Examine the installation using command glusterfs --version. The output should be like:
glusterfs 3.5.2 built on Jul 31 2014 18:47:52
Repository revision: git://
Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Red Hat, Inc.

Configuration of glusterfs

glusterfs server

start Daemon of gluster

After installation, the glusterfs service keeps stopped. Execute service glusterd start to start the daemon and configure it to automatically start by using chkconfig glusterd on.

Configure iptables

The gluster server will use certain ports as follows:
- 24007 TCP for the Gluster Daemon
- 24008 TCP for Infiniband management (optional unless you are using IB)
- One TCP port for each brick in a volume. So, for example, if you have 4 bricks in a volume, port 24009 – 24012 would be used in GlusterFS 3.3 & below, 49152 - 49155 from GlusterFS 3.4 & later.
- 38465, 38466 and 38467 TCP for the inline Gluster NFS server.
- Additionally, port 111 TCP and UDP (since always) and port 2049 TCP-only (from GlusterFS 3.4 & later) are used for port mapper and should be open.
The gluster version here is 3.5.2 thus the rules of iptables could be added as below.

# iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
# iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
# iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 666 -j ACCEPT
# iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 2049 -j ACCEPT
# iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 24007:24008 -j ACCEPT
# iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 49152:49155 -j ACCEPT

Then execute service iptables save and service iptables restart.
Try service iptables status to check if the rules is in use.

Creating Trusted Storage Pools

The glusterfs can’t working alone. It needs at least two server connecting as a storage pool.
Here assumes that there are two servers which one server is called “gluServer1” who’s IP is “” while the other one is called “gluServer2” its IP is “”.
Add two lines below into /etc/hosts to let the servers know each other. gluServer1 gluServer2

Then execute gluster peer probe gluServer2 in gluServer1. The response should be like peer probe: success..
Verify the peer status from the gluServer1 using the following commands:

# gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 1

Hostname: gluServer2
Uuid: 1f318326-7636-4ef6-94c0-0a6e95a816af
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

This can be did at gluServer2 too and the only difference should be the Hostname and Uuid.
Here’s the way to check the storage pool.

# gluster pool list
UUID                                    Hostname        State
1f318326-7636-4ef6-94c0-0a6e95a816af    gluServer1      Connected
e621d43b-c5ee-4ac9-ae75-047b8b4bd3fd    localhost       Connected

Create and configure a glusterfs volume

Here assumes that the /vdisk is for storage and mounted as some kind of file system (xfs, ext3, …) from other hard disk or virtual disk.
Make sure the user to command glusterfs is able to read and write in /vdisk.
Here are 5 types of volumes can be created, Distributed, Replicated, Striped, Distributed Striped, Distributed Replicated.
A simple example of Replicated type is given.

# gluster volume create gluV1 replica 2 gluServer1:/vdisk/brick1 gluServer2:/vdisk/brick1
volume create: gluV1: success: please start the volume to access data
# gluster volume start gluV1
volume start: gluV1: success
# gluster volume info gluV1
Volume Name: gluV1
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: af7b78df-e13f-4780-aa87-cc1ebcf2b009
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: gluServer1:/vdisk/brick1
Brick2: gluServer2:/vdisk/brick1
# gluster volume set gluV1 2
volume set: success
# gluster volume set gluV1 performance.cache-size 512MB
volume set: success

Now the volume called gluV1 is ready. Use a client to access this volume.
The gluster volume set will do some special options to a gluster volume. More detailed information is here.

glusterfs client

Configure iptables

Add rules of iptables as the server.

Enable fuse

After installation the fuse module is not loaded by kernal. Let the fuse be loaded.

# modprobe fuse
# dmesg | grep fuse
fuse init (API version 7.13)

Configure hosts

Add two lines below into /etc/hosts to let the client know all the gluster servers. gluServer1 gluServer2

Mount the gluster volume

Assumes the shared folder is called /dataShare and the volume will be mounted there.

# mount -t glusterfs -o defaults gluServer1:/gluV1 /dataShare
# df -h | grep gluV1
gluServer1:/gluV1 1008M   18M  939M   2% /dataShare

The -o means additional options when mounting a glusterfs volume. More detailed information is here.

Basic file tests

Clients file tests

Make sure that the users share the same UID on both glustet clients or one client will not able to edit a file created by another client. Or, use POSIX Access Control Lists (ACLs) to manage the permissions for different users or groups. Doc
At client1, do echo "Hello! This is client1 at $(date)" >> /dataShare/hello.log and switch to client2 to execute echo "Hello! This is client2 at $(date)" >> /dataShare/hello.log.
Then back to client1 and check the hello.log file.

# cat /dataShare/hello.log
Hello! This is client1 at Wed Dec 17 22:22:29 EST 2014
Hello! This is client2 at Wed Dec 17 22:22:33 EST 2014

Server file tests

As we know, the replicated volume “gluV1” of glusterfs is placed at /vdisk/brick1. After the clients file tests, the file “hello.log” are stored on both servers.
It’s not allowed to edit these files directly. Executing echo "Hello! This is server1 at $(date)" >> /vdisk/brick1/hello.log will ruin the “hello.log” file to all clients.

# cat hello.log
cat: hello.log: Input/output error

Manila, a better solution?

Manila is a openstack service that provides coordinated access to shared or distributed file systems. It will be graduated and submit for consideration as a core service as early as the Kilo release.
It is original based on cinder and also consist of a controller and a storage node.
Manila will create a Neutron private network and subnet or using the existing one as the share network. It allows to add access according to ips. If one instance is allowed to access the shared volume, it can mount the volume using
mount -t nfs /mnt/sharedVolume.
The is the export location which will be provide by malina service.

# manila list
|                  ID                  |      Name      | Size | Share Proto |   Status  |                        Export location                        |
| 4ed16b64-59ee-4123-b6f0-f42148280a99 |    myshare     |  1   |     NFS     | available | |
| e9b92837-ea2b-4acd-ab65-65c98199e78b | devstack_share |  1   |     NFS     | available | |

With the service of manila, the diagram of shared storage between instances can be simplify as below. manila

Monila supports NFS now and release a demo based on Openstack icehouse version using Devstack. Here are the two demo links.

Other informations

Swift, openstack object storage

Swift is a core service who provides highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob storage. It uses RESTful API to transfer data. It gets great advantages in cloud storage environment for it simplifies data as objects in containers. For more.

Fabrix Scale Out NAS

Fabrix is pioneering a revolutionary, cloud based scale out storage and computing platform focused on providing a simple, tightly integrated solution optimized for media storage, processing and delivery applications such as Cloud DVR, and VOD expansion.
Ericsson has acquired Fabrix in the goal of accelerating cloud video transformation.
Fabrix’s storage technology gets many advantages like unified clustered storage, distributed computing and shared nothing architecture. For more.


  1. Volume type of gluster introdution:
  2. Options of gluster volume set:
  3. Options of mount -t glusterfs -o:
Published 17 December 2014
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